We don't believe in rules when it comes to business.
We do believe that starting a business is achievable for anyone and everyone.
At Rebel Business School Aotearoa we offer FREE to attend business accelerator courses for communities across Aotearoa.
The course runs for 10 days and covers 20 workshops and is an inspirational and experiential business journey for our attendees who are starting or developing their small businesses and making money doing what they love. Do you have an business idea but don't know where to start? Graduates of the Rebel Business School are invited into the Rebel+ Graduate programme where they find community, webinars, tools, processes and access to mentoring: All designed to support graduates to build sustainable businesses.
Rebel Business School gathers data across all events and also works with Alumni to measure business progress year on year. Statistics support our collaboration partners to identify regional growth and return on investment.
You need a business plan to start a business*
Yeah, nah!
When is the right time? Now!If you wait for the perfect moment to start your business, you'll be waiting forever. Take the first step, become a rebel, and let's tear up the rule book together!