Graham Watson : Forever Beards
The brains behind Foreverbeards is Graham Watson an alum of RSBSA from the Kapiti Coast region.
Foreverbeards is all about creating artisan handcrafted natural products for guys with beards and girls with guys with beards. Graham started the Shavingbusiness just before the country got into covid mode. For owner Graham, with markets closing, this meant working at social media to create an online presence. It has been a big learning curve and a challenge. Now with repeat customers and barber shops going exclusive with Forever Beard products and the positive feedback it makes all the effort worthwhile; and gives energy to keep on creating new products. Due to the global pandemic, material supply chains were a challenge along with distribution. Markets also closed which made it hard to sell his products, along with retail shops that stocked Forever Breards products. This meant pushing social media and attending any markets that could open. He has been fortunate, thanks to repeat customers, to keep going and not give up! Website: Facebook: Instagram: |